OHPA P.H.A.S.E. (Pre-Health Application Support and Education)

This page is for the University of Alabama students and alumni who are applying to medical, dental, or optometry school for the entering class of 2025 also known as Cycle 2025.

The 2024-2025 OHPA P.H.A.S.E Program and

Cycle 2025 Letter of Support Application is CLOSED.

The 2025-2026 OHPA P.H.A.S.E. Program will OPEN November 2024. 

We have rebranded our application support services! Our previously titled Health Professions Committee Interview and Composite Letter process is now called The Office of Health Professions Advising Pre-Health Application Support and Education or OHPA P.H.A.S.E. program While still culminating to a committee interview and composite letter, our services provide comprehensive support for students who are applying to medical, dental, or optometry school.

Opening Your Application File with OHPA

P.H.A.S.E. One: Due November 30, 2023 by 4:00pm CST

  • Students must review the OHPA Cycle 2025 Applicant Guide and modules within the OHPA P.H.A.S.E. Blackboard course.
  • Student-applicants must sign the Student Applicant Agreement. This is required to be permitted access to our Interested Applicant Course in Blackboard Learn.

P.H.A.S.E. Two: Due March 6, 2024 by 4:00pm CST

  • Thoughtfully completed the UA Pre-Application document. Pre-Application must be submitted hardcopy to 200 Clark Hall and electronically through the applicant Blackboard course.
  • Proof of Writing Center appointment, reviewing the personal statement
  • Current enrollment or completion of the required course
  • Applicant Introduction Video (link in Blackboard)
  • Professional Headshot
  • two to three Letters of Recommendation from non-science recommenders
  • and other items as outlined in the Applicant Agreement

Completion of P.H.A.S.E. Two determines eligibility for the HPAC Committee Interview.

P.H.A.S.E. Three: Due May 3, 2024 by 4:00pm CST

  • Have completed a committee interview with the HPAC.
  • Provide proof of standardized exam (MCAT, DAT, OAT) registration or completion.
  • Two letters of recommendation from Science Faculty member.
  • Sign Advisor Release in AMCAS, ADEA AADSAS, and OptomCAS to allow OHPA to have access to upload your HPAC Committee Letter Packet

Committee Letter vs Letter of Support

  • Committee Letter: A Committee Letter is a letter authored by a pre-health committee or pre-health advisor and intended to represent your institution’s evaluation of you. Our committee letters packets also include the additional letters of recommendation written by the faculty/organizations/health care providers that you had sent to our office in support of your application.
  • Letter of Support/Letter Packet: A Letter of Support is a packet or set of letters assembled and distributed by your institution (UA). The letter packet includes your name and application IDs on it and has all of the letters of recommendation that you had sent to our office attached electronically to it. In contrast to a Committee Letter, a Letter of Support does not include a comprehensive, evaluative letter from the Health Professions Advising Committee.

Students who have not submitted all the required application materials to our office by the indicated deadlines will only be eligible to receive a letter of support instead of a committee letter from the Office of Health Professions Advising.

Committee Interviews

Our office will conduct committee interviews in the spring semester. These are the ONLY interview dates for the 2025 application season for our committee. To be considered for the interviews, you MUST submit all components of your UA pre-application packet by March 6, 2024, at 4 p.m both in person and electronically.

If you do not meet the qualifications for a committee interview but would like for our office to send your letters (with no committee letter) we will still do so. If this is your choice you will still have to fill out the UA pre-application and submit the appropriate information so that we can upload your letter packet (please see individual sections for required information).

Letters of Support

If you have missed the deadlines for a committee interview and composite letter and are interested in obtaining a Letter of Support from the Health Professions Advisory Committee, please email your request to prehealth@ua.edu and someone will follow up with you.

OHPA Letter Submission Policy

Office of Health Professions Advising will send recommendation letters only for the purposes of:

  1. Application to that type of professional school identified by the student on the OHPA pre-application.
  2. Application to graduate professional schools (i.e. special masters programs, etc.)

Please note: OHPA will not submit letters to scholarships, prospective employers, or non-health professional schools. These letters are intended for health professions professional school programs ONLY.

September 30th is the last day that our office will submit Committee Letters and Letters of Support for first-time applicants and re-applicants for consideration. A timely application to professional school often yields the best results (interviews, acceptances, etc.) so our office will submit all Committee Letters and Letters of Support by August 1st but no later than September 30, 2024. This is to ensure timely consideration by the professional school programs.

We are excited to work with each of you! If you have any questions, please email prehealth@ua.edu.

Thank you,

Office of Health Professions Advising