Alumni and Re-Applicants

Graduates and alumni from The University of Alabama who are seeking to reapply to professional school through our Office of Health Professions Advising should do the following:

  1. To notify The Office of Health Professions Advising of your intent to reapply, please email We will review any previous application information that we have collected for you for other application cycles and assist you with a plan for the new application cycle.
  2. Committee letter updates are not available after June 15, 2024. After this date, OHPA HPAC will only submit the previous committee packet and committee letter unchanged.
  3. We encourage you to seek feedback from the professional programs to which you applied. Consider the recommendations they make when making your Gap/Growth Year plans.
  4. Send us the appropriate information to submit your letter packets:
    • Medical School Applicants: In AMCAS, please complete the Advisor Release. This will populate you on our master list, providing our office with the new cycle’s Letter IDs. For TMDSAS, add The University of Alabama on the Institutions page. This should allow you to populate on our list. For AACOMAS, follow the instructions as listed below for Dental and Optometry Guide as the screens are the same.
    • Dental School Applicants: Follow our AADSAS letter request instructions (PDF) to have AADSAS send us a link to to have us upload your letter packet.
    • Optometry School Applicants: Follow the OPTOMCAS letter request instructions (PDF) to have OPTOMCAS send us a link to upload your letter packet.
  5. When filling out your CAS (Central Application Service) application, take your time! Consider updating your personal statement or obtaining 1-2 new letters of recommendation. You are a different person than you were the last time that you applied, so let your application reflect that.
  6. If you have completed a Committee Interview in a previous cycle, you will not have to re-interview with our Health Professions Advisory Committee. Your previous committee letter and letter packet will be submitted for the new application cycle UNCHANGED to the application service.
  7. Any new letters of recommendation have to be submitted independently of the Office of Health Professions Advising.

AMCAS also provides guidance for reapplicants: 

Reapplicants will then be added to the current cohort of applicants, with the submission deadline of August 1 (or the first business day after that if it falls on a weekend) to the CAS systems. Please make sure that we have all that we need to submit your packet for the new application and exercise patience as we process all of our applicants in a timely manner.

It is important that you use your Growth Year(s) to do something meaningful. Whether it is working in healthcare, participating in service organizations (Teach for America, Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, etc.), or participating in additional academic activities, find something you will enjoy and that will demonstrate your commitment to your goals and your passion to serve others.

Please note: Your committee packet is for use in your application to health professional school(s) only. The letters in your committee packet speak specifically to your abilities to handle the rigor of a health professional graduate program. We will not submit your committee packet for a scholarship, internship, employment, or any other general application.

If you have any questions please email